Adding additional informationĪnother convenient feature that can complement a handwritten signature image or signature line is inserting additional information. You can also make the image smaller or larger by modifying the size (click on the image and use the pointers that appear on the edges). Click Crop, and make the necessary adjustments. Select the image, after which the Picture Tools Format tab will automatically be opened. If you want to further customize the image, use Microsoft’s built-in crop tool. Place the signature to your preferred location on the document. Choose that image file from step 2 and click OK. Step 3: On Microsoft Word, click the Insert tab and then select Pictures. Step 2: Scan that piece of paper in order to convert it into an image file. Step 1: Preferably on a white piece of paper, write your signature.
There are many who may prefer to include their actual signature into the Word document electronically. If the document is intended to be printed out and be signed by, say, an employee signing a contract, you can also include their details as well. Step 3: Within the Signature Setup window that appears, type out all the details you want to show around the signature line. You can use the power of ChatGPT in Google Slides now This major Apple bug could let hackers steal your photos and wipe your device Microsoft is already expanding Bing Chat to Skype and phones